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Year Built: 2002
Years Operated: 3
Asking Price: $35,000
Designed and built by: CC Productions
Size: 500 Square Feet 15’ x 33’
Lighting: 33 Spotlights in each triangle

This unique one of a kind attraction has a web design in the stonework. A modular unit the maze can be rearranged to fit any space, or changed to freshen up the experience. The unit comes with a wooden façade and mirrored entrance sign. Constructed of mirrors and fiberglass stone work,
this very popular attraction draws a crowd. Fun and safe, the attraction is a great
additional element to any venue, either October seasonal or year round.

The attraction is in excellent condition.

Not included -Wiring Harness, emergency lighting or exit signage



Asking Price:
$ 35,000

For further information, please contact:
Leonard Pickel
Office (704)366-0875  Cell (704)236-9770  FAX (704)366-0876
Email about this attraction to info@hauntcon.com


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For further information, please contact:
Leonard Pickel
 (972)951-5100  FAX (704)366-0876

PO Box 220286 Charlotte, NC 28222

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