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Museum Design

Shock Walk

Custom Build Mobile Trailer Unit

Shock Walk is a mobile Haunt designed and built by the owner into four 40′ road worthy semi-trailers. The trailers are set side to side and connected together to form a 1,300 square foot Haunted Attraction with a 100 hundred people per hour capacity. The interior walls are wood construction with flame retardant paint and the 13 room Haunt uses between 8 and 12 actors to operate. Each trailer has a 110 power cord and a 50 amp electrical service is required to power the attraction. The attraction has 16 hard wired smoke detectors, 16 fire extinguishers, 8 exit signs and 12 emergency lights with battery back up.

Extras include: a 10′ high by 40 ‘ wide façade with attraction name signage, 8 pneumatic animations triggered in various ways, and supplied by two 100 gallon compressors. A sound system powered with a 200 watt Yamaha Amplifier pushes 12 speakers and sets are illuminated by 16 light fixtures.

No Fire Sprinklers are provided.