Attraction Name (#2): 3D Chaos
Years Operated: 2005, 2006 and 2007
Designed and built by: Dark Attractions in 2005
Attraction was enlarged & enhanced in 2006 for Ultimate Terrors. Additional artwork and façade added in 2007. Design: 3D Chaos is one long twisty, tourney hallway approximately 400 feet long. It contains 3D art and designs the entire length. It has 12 scares listed below in order (zigzag design allows actors to perform 2 scares without being obvious)
Max. Width: 45 Depth: 80′ Max. Height: 12′
Usable Sq. Footage: 2500 + Capacity: 800/hour
Façade: 10′ wide by 12′ high, walk thru clown design
Number of Panels: 170 + Construction Material: 8′ plywood outer walls, 7′ high inner walls. Triangular style design for optimal utilization of space.
Number of Rooms: 400 foot + hallway Number of Actors Required: 8-10
Ticket Takers: 1 Tech Support: 0
Complete lighting: Blacklights and fixtures. Complete temporary electrical (spider boxes, extension cords & power strips). 115v single phase power, 200 amps min. required at installation site. Complete sound: 3 CD players with powered speaker systems. Complete costumes and masks. 10′ diameter by 20′ long spinning tunnel with vinyl liner (3D dots designs).
Condition: all very good to excellent
Room Designs:
Entrance area – character reaches out from above the walls
Cell/Bars – PVC pipe painted to look like 3D jail bars contains a character (same character as #1 – cell has a platform where character can reach over the wall).
Scare pop-out – curtains for actors to pop out from behind
Reach over – Platform in #3 allows character to reach over wall (same character as # 3)
Drop wall – drops to reveal actor
Scare pop-out – curtains for actors to pop out from behind
Popcorn box – allows character to stand on box to reach over walls
Dots hall – Dots on walls, character’s dot costume blends in with walls
Drop wall #2 – drops to reveal actor
Scare pop-out – curtains for actors to pop out from behind
Popcorn box #2– contains a place to hide and pop out of
Creepo clown & stalkaround – oversized clown costume (Creepo by Ex Mortis) appears real but is not, second similar costume contains actor (Wares the Clown costume from The Horror Dome)
Additional Effects include: 3D fluorescent art throughout attraction including eight 8′ x 8′ Stuart Smith murals, 20 plus additional art works. All walls contain 3D paint designs. Electric 6′ Spinning wheel with skeleton (behind cage wall). Jack in the box (painted with 3D fluorescent). Giant 3D fluorescent clown head with convex eyes that follow patrons. Spinning tunnel – Customers walk over a railed bridge through a 20′ long spinning tunnel with 3D fluorescent green and red spiral dot pattern.
3D Chaos is part of a 3 Haunt Package.
Asking Price: $140,000 for total 3 Haunt package.
FOB Altamont, New York 12209
For further information, please contact: Leonard Pickel at 972-951-5100 or Email